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Quote Progressive Commercial Trucking Insurance on Your Mobile Phone

Announcing the launch of Insure My Truck, Progressive Commercial’s new mobile phone app

Beginning today, truck drivers will be able to get a Progressive Commercial insurance estimate anytime, anywhere, with Insure My Truck, a new mobile phone app for the iPhone. An Android version is in development and will be available soon. A prototype of the app was unveiled at the Great West Truck Show in Las Vegas, Nevada last weekend and consumers were able to use an iPad in the trade show booth to submit an estimate request.

The Insure My Truck app is similar to the Customer Internet Quoting (CIQ) experience. Using mobile phone technology, consumers will be able to take a picture of their commercial driver's license and send it to us, along with a few other details about their vehicles, trailers and drivers. It’s a quick, secure and accurate way for truckers to shop for commercial insurance.

Posted Thursday, June 16 2011 1:57 PM
Tags : Trucking Insurance, Progressive, Commercial, Texas

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